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Non-Olympic Brand We Trust

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions: All You Need to Know

Welcome to our comprehensive FAQ section, where we address common queries about record-breaking, Noble World Records nomination procedures, our website, and associated products. Whether you're embarking on a record-breaking journey or simply exploring the world of remarkable achievements, we've got your questions covered.

Navigating Record-Breaking: We provide insights into the intricate world of record-breaking, offering guidance on record selection, the nomination process, and understanding record guidelines.

Record Attempt Procedures: Discover the step-by-step process from nomination submission to verification, with details on the types of records you can attempt, guidelines, and evidence requirements.

Website and Product Queries: Learn how to navigate our website, access record databases, and explore merchandise commemorating extraordinary achievements.

Nomination and Account Management: Find answers to your queries regarding account creation, submission status, and upgrading to priority services for quicker responses.

Record Categories: Get acquainted with the diverse record categories we offer, from individual achievements to group endeavors, and understand the criteria that define each one.

Legal and Safety Concerns: Explore our policies, guidelines, and safety measures, ensuring your record attempt adheres to ethical and responsible standards.

Contacting Noble World Records: Learn how to reach out to our teams for inquiries, updates, or to seek assistance during your record-breaking journey.

Additional Resources: Discover valuable resources, such as our Guide to Your Evidence and the significance of adhering to specific record guidelines.

As you embark on your record-breaking endeavor or explore our rich collection of remarkable achievements, our FAQ section equips you with essential information and guidance, ensuring a smooth and informed experience with Noble World Records.

SECTION-'A' Record breaking and Nominations

  • How to Apply for a Noble World Records
    Setting or breaking a Noble World Record is an exciting endeavor. The nomination process varies for individuals and organizations:

    For Organisations:

    Please follow our Noble Consultancy Services route.

    For Individuals:

    Apply for a Record: Go on website Records option, scroll-down and click on Online Nominaton link and further click on Individual/Group link to Apply for a record' button.

    Record Selection: Search for the specific record you wish to set or break. Click 'Apply Now' for existing records or 'Apply for a new record title' if your desired record isn't listed.

    Nomination Form: Complete the online nomination form provided.

    For a more detailed guide on how to apply, refer to our comprehensive 'How to Apply' guide available on our website.

    Next Steps:

    Upon submitting your Standard Nomination, our Noble World Records HQ Records Management Team will review it. If your nomination is for an existing or acceptable new record, we will provide you with Record Guidelines and the Guide to Your Evidence through our page in our website. This guide outlines the evidence you must submit for us to assess your record attempt.

    To understand the evidence requirements, visit our 'Guidelines for Record Evidence' page on our website.

    Remember, all evidence submissions must be made online through email and video must be submitted to WhatsApp : +91-7800 5500 88 only. Please refrain from sending physical evidence by post, as we accept all file types online.

    Note : WhatsApp Number should be same into Nomination Form and WhatsApp for Evidence. Our expert Records Management Team will evaluate your evidence. If your attempt is verified as successful, you will receive an approval notification via official WhatsApp : +91-7800 5500 88. After the necessary fees are paid, the Official NOBLE WORLD RECORDS™ Record-Holder Certificate/honor kit will be dispatched via courier within 10 working days, confirming your record-holder status.

    For inquiries or assistance, please use our online nomination process or consult our contact page. Kindly refrain from sending evidence before submitting an nomination and receiving your guidelines, as we cannot process it without these essential steps.

  • The Approval Process for Record Titles at Noble World Records
    At Noble World Records, we have a dedicated Records Management Team with specialized expertise. Their primary role is to meticulously research and verify new record title proposals.

    When you submit an nomination for a new record title, our Records Category Specialists conduct a thorough assessment to determine if your proposal aligns with our guidelines. Similarly, when you provide evidence for either a new or existing record title, our Records Management Team conducts comprehensive checks to confirm if the evidence demonstrates your achievement of the record.

    To facilitate the assessment process, it's crucial that you furnish us with detailed information, including your goals, methods, locations, and the purpose behind your record attempt. Providing any relevant links can also aid our team in understanding your proposal better.

    Throughout the nomination process, you can explore our extensive record database to see if a similar record exists and what the current record to beat is.

    If your proposal for a new title is accepted or if you're applying for an existing title, you'll receive detailed guidelines for your record attempt. It's imperative to thoroughly read these guidelines and the accompanying evidence checklist pack. Following these guidelines ensures that our team can effectively evaluate the evidence you provide to confirm the success of your record attempt.

    We encourage you to reach out with any questions well in advance of your record attempt, as our response time may be up to 5 days to 10 days. If your nomination is accepted, you can conveniently communicate with your records manager through email/official WhatsApp : +91-7800 5500 88.

    For further insights into the evidence you need to submit for your record attempt, please refer to our Guidelines for Record Evidence .

  • Eligibility and Criteria for Record Attempts at Noble World Records
    At Noble World Records, we uphold specific criteria for record attempts to ensure they meet our rigorous standards. Whether you're proposing a new record or attempting an existing one, it's essential to understand these criteria:

    Measurable: The record should involve a clear metric like speed, length, weight, or quantity. We do not recognize subjective achievements such as "the most beautiful" or "the kindest."

    Breakable: All records must be open to challenge or repetition by others. Your record should not be something unique to a specific person or situation.

    Standardisable: The record should be achievable universally and not tied to a specific region or locality.

    Verifiable: Your claim must be provable with concrete evidence. Claims that rely on lifelong surveillance or similar circumstances cannot be verified.

    One Variable: We verify records based on single superlatives, not combinations. For instance, we recognize the "largest painting" but not the "largest painting by the most people."

    Universal: The record proposal should relate to something known to the majority of the world, avoiding overly specific or regional subjects.

    Substantially Different: If your record idea resembles an existing record, we may suggest breaking the current record rather than approving a variation of the same title.

    Please note that we exclusively recognize world records, not national or country-specific achievements. For more details on our criteria, visit "What Makes a Noble World Records Title".

    We encourage you to thoroughly review these criteria before proposing or attempting a record, ensuring your endeavor aligns with our guidelines and values.

  • Record Fee Payment and Confirmation Process
    1. Why am I asked to send a confirmation letter for payment
    Sending a confirmation letter shows your commitment to making the required payment for your record attempt.

    2. What is the payment for?
    The payment is for the record verification process conducted by the Noble World Records (NWR) team.

    3. How long do I have to make the payment?
    You have 48 hours to make the payment from the time of receiving the request.

    4. What happens after payment is made?
    Once your payment is verified by the Adjudicator and Noble World Records, you will be notified through their official WhatsApp channel at +91-7800 5500 88.

    5. What if I don't pay within the specified time frame?
    If the fees are not paid within the given 48-hour time frame, your case will be closed for approximately 3 to 6 months, and NWR will not be able to continue processing your record attempt during this period.

    6. Penalty for Reopening Files:
    In cases where a nominee requests the reopening of their file after it has been closed due to non-payment or other reasons, a penalty will be charged. For Indian nationals, the penalty is Rs. 10,000, while for international nominees, the penalty is US$ 200.

  • Kids' Records and Noble World Records: Nurturing the Future
    At Noble World Records, we recognize the potential of young talents and the importance of encouraging kids to explore their extraordinary abilities. While we value innovation and creativity, currently, we do not accept proposals for new Kids' Records titles. However, we wholeheartedly invite kids to participate in our existing record categories through our Website.

    We understand that kids are the future of the world, and their achievements deserve recognition. Therefore, we encourage young record-breakers to explore our established records and challenge themselves in exciting endeavors. Keep an eye on our Kids Website, where we may introduce new Kids' Records in the future.

    Your passion, enthusiasm, and determination are the driving forces behind the records of tomorrow. As you embark on your record-breaking journey, remember that Noble World Records is here to celebrate your remarkable achievements. We believe in the power of youth, and together, we can inspire the world.

    Join us in making history, one record at a time.

  • How to Discover Existing Records
    At Noble World Records, we boast an impressive collection of over 5,000 records that have made history. To explore our vast database and find information about a specific record, please utilize our user-friendly website.

    Here's how you can discover existing records:

    Keyword Search: Access our search feature and input relevant keywords related to the record you're interested in. For precise results, use quotation marks ("xxxx") to display outcomes containing your specific keywords.

    Still Can't Find It?: If your search doesn't yield the desired results, it could mean that the record in question has not been updated on our website yet, falls outside our current monitoring scope, or doesn't exist.

    Want to Break or Set a Record?: If your inquiry pertains to breaking or establishing a new record, we encourage you to fill nomination form online with us. After or before visit our website and click on "Check Records" and search record similar to your expected record." If you can't locate the record you're interested in, you have the option to "Apply for a New Record Title."

    Please note that while we strive to provide assistance, we do not offer individual consultative services for multiple or highly specific record inquiries. For more answers and information, explore our comprehensive FAQ section. Noble World Records is committed to celebrating remarkable achievements from around the world, and we look forward to your record-breaking endeavors.

  • Guidelines for Record Titles You Can Attempt
    At Noble World Records, we carefully evaluate each nomination we receive to determine if it qualifies as a world record. (See : Our assessment is based on several criteria).

    1. Objective Measurement: Record titles must be objectively measurable, with a clear unit of measurement. We do not accept nominations based on subjective variables, such as beauty, kindness, or loyalty.

    2. Challenge and Breakability: Record titles should be challenging and open to being broken or repeated by others. We do not recognize records that are unbreakable or too specific to a single individual.

    3. Safety and Suitability: We do not endorse activities that pose potential harm or danger to spectators or animals. Safety is paramount in record attempts.

    4. Age Restrictions: Some records may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 18. In such cases, we collaborate with the official regulatory bodies for specific skills or sports to ensure safety and suitability.

    Please review our comprehensive record policies for more detailed information. We encourage you to propose record titles that align with these guidelines, ensuring a fair and exciting world of record-breaking achievements.

  • Noble World Records Policy on Payments and Contributions
    At Noble World Records, our mission is to celebrate extraordinary achievements, inspire people, and provide entertainment and information to the world. We want to clarify our policies regarding payments and contributions:

    1. Payment for Achievements: Noble World Records does not provide monetary compensation to record-breakers for their achievements or record attempts. We recognize and celebrate accomplishments as part of our commitment to showcasing excellence.

    2. Covering Expenses: We do not cover expenses, offer sponsorships, or provide equipment to individuals attempting record titles. Participants are responsible for their own costs related to their record attempts.

    3. Contributions: Noble World Records does not make contributions to individuals, charities, or businesses. This policy ensures our impartiality as the global authority on record-breaking and maintains fairness for all applicants.

    Our goal is to maintain a level playing field for all record attempts and uphold the integrity of our record verification process. We appreciate your understanding of these policies as we continue to promote exceptional achievements worldwide.

  • Why Your Achievement May Not Appear in the Noble Book of World Records
    We understand your excitement about having your achievement featured in our book. Here's why it might not have made it this time:

    1. Space Constraints: Our book showcases a limited number of records each year, approximately 4,000 out of over 5,000 current records in our database. Deciding which records to include is a challenging task for our editorial team.

    2. Future Opportunities: If your record wasn't chosen for this edition, there's still hope. It might be considered for inclusion in future editions of the book or featured on our official website.

    3. Record Publication: According to the Noble World Records policy, we publish all records through the Non-Olympic Times (NOT), an organ of the International Non-Olympic Committee (INOC). The Non-Olympic Times (NOT) is registered as a newspaper with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. This ensures that our records are accessible worldwide through our current database.

    We appreciate your passion for record-breaking, and we encourage you to continue your extraordinary pursuits. Your achievements are valued, and there are various avenues through which they can be recognized and celebrated.

  • Why Isn't My Achievement on the Website?
    Our database holds over 5,000 current records, and we make every effort to showcase as many as possible on our website. Currently, we feature over 5,000 records online, and we update them weekly. So, remember to "Check Records" on the website regularly for the latest records!

  • What Happens to Food from Record Attempts?
    In cases involving large amounts of food for record attempts, our rules state that the food must either be eaten or distributed for consumption after it's measured. This is a standard part of our Record Guidelines to ensure a successful Noble World Records title. For more details, visit our "Record Policies" page.

  • How Can I Have an Adjudicator at My Record Attempt?
    To have an official adjudicator at your record attempt, you can access this service through our fee-based Consultancy service. Visit the Corporate Business solutions section to find out more about the services they offer. If you wish to contact a member of the Consultancy team, select the option to "Contact an Account Officer".

  • How Can I Access Record Guidelines?
  • Can I Discuss My Record Idea with Someone?
    We do not offer individual consultation services as part of the Self-Service Nomination Process . All proposals for Self-Service Nominations must be submitted through our website.

    Before suggesting a new record, please review "What Makes a Noble World Records Title?"

    If you are representing a business, agency, or non-profit organization, governmant you might want to explore our Record Consultancy Service .

  • Why Are Some Records Age-Restricted?
    Noble World Records has established a minimum age requirement of 18 years for certain record categories. These categories usually involve highly physical, hazardous, or endurance-based challenges. Additionally, there are records deemed unsuitable for individuals under the age of 18, as determined by Noble World Records.

    If you're under 18, you won't be able to apply for records falling under these restrictions. We recommend revisiting your record-breaking aspirations when you're older. In the meantime, explore our website to discover other records that may be within your reach, and these won't involve highly physical, hazardous, or endurance-based challenges.

    Please note , if you are nominating someone under the age of 18, a parent or guardian should complete the nomination form on their behalf.

    Kids Records Kids' Records and Noble World Records: Nurturing the Future- We understand that kids are the future of the world, and their achievements deserve recognition. Therefore, we encourage young record-breakers to explore our established records and challenge themselves in exciting endeavors. Keep an eye on our Kids Website, where we may introduce new Kids' Records in the future.

  • Is that chain letter or email claiming that forwarding it will get you into a Noble World Records publication genuine?
    No, it's not. Noble World Records does not accept any records related to chain letters, whether sent by post or email. If you receive a letter or email promising publication for forwarding it, know that it's not genuine. Even if it mentions Noble World Records or postal services, we're not involved, and forwarding such messages will not result in a recognized world record.

  • Why Does Noble World Records Have an Nomination Limit?
    Noble World Records receives an overwhelming number of record nominations, with more than thousands submissions annually – that's nearly over astonosing number of nominations a week. To ensure we can offer the best service to everyone, we've established a fair system. Each person is allowed to submit up to three record nominations within a 24-hour period.

    If you've reached this limit, you'll see a message on your email indicating when you can submit your next nomination. This helps us manage the process efficiently and attend to everyone's aspirations for record-breaking.

  • SECTION-'B' Priority Nomination / Priority Evidence Review

    • How to Expedite Your Noble World Records Nomination with Priority Processing
      If you're eager to fast-track your Noble World Records nomination, our Priority Nomination Service can help you get there sooner. Here's how it works and how to make the payment:

      1. Select Priority Nomination: When you first submit your nomination online, you'll have the option to choose our Priority Nomination Service. If you decide later that you'd like to speed up the process, you can switch to Priority Nomination at any time. With this service, your nomination will be reviewed within just 5 working days, a significant improvement compared to the standard processing time of up to 2 to 3 weeks*.

      2. Upgrade to Priority Nomination: To make the switch to Priority Nomination, log in to your Noble World Records Apply Online Nomination & Re-Submit the same or you can send email with your official email id., write on email about Upgrade to Priority Nomination, in subject column, must type "Upgrade to Priority Nomination."

      3. Priority Evidence Review: Once you've submitted your evidence, you can further expedite the process by purchasing our Priority Evidence Review service. This ensures that your evidence is reviewed within 5 working days, compared to the standard waiting time of up to 2 to 3 weeks* for regular nominations.

      4. Payment Options: For Priority Nomination and Priority Evidence Review, we accept payment through PayPal and Worldpay (Worldwide) and for (India) Gpay, Paytm, PhonePe and bank transfer. If you prefer to pay via bank transfer or other options, simply go to Online Nomination, click on any category and you will find right side "Payments Options" scrol down several mode of payment options are there to choose as convenient.

      5. Important Notes: Please be aware that our Priority Nomination Service expedites the standard nomination process but does not guarantee approval. We do not issue refunds if your nomination is unsuccessful.

      6. Consultancy Services: If you're seeking more comprehensive support, including consultative services, or if you're applying on behalf of an organization, governments or brand, explore our Corporate Business Solutions section on the Noble World Records website.

      Please note that occasionally, our standard wait times may be extended due to higher nomination volumes. For the most up-to-date information, refer to our Current nomination waiting times page.

      *Please refer to our Current nomination waiting times page. for the most up-to-date information on standard processing times.

    • How much I pay for Priority Nomination Premium Service Charges?
      The standard processing time for a Self-Service Nomination is up to 2 to 3 weeks.*

      This includes a period of up to 2 to 3 weeks* for us to assess your Nomination and provide you with the guidelines for your record attempt.

      Once we receive the evidence for your record attempt, there is also a review period of up to 2 to 3 weeks* before we can confirm if your record attempt is successful.

      Priority Nomination Service Premium Charges : If you require a quicker response, we recommend using our Priority Nomination Service. This service accelerates the processing of your record nomination to just 2 to 5 working days, for a fee of US$400 (in the UK), $500 (in the US) and Rs.20,000 (in the India) for existing record titles, and $500 (in the UK), $650 (in the US) and Rs.30,000 (in the India) for new record titles. You can select this service when submitting your nomination. If you've already submitted a Standard Nomination and wish to upgrade to the Priority Nomination Service, you can do so at any time. To upgrade, visit our website and click on contact page and write an email message about 'Upgrade to Priority Nomination Service,' and follow the prompts.

      Please note that using the Priority Nomination Service does not guarantee the success of your Nomination, and we do not issue refunds for unsuccessful Nominations.

      For guidance on the evidence required for your record attempt, please visit our guide to evidence page.

      *Please be aware that our regular processing times may be extended during periods of high Nomination volumes.

      For the most current information, refer to our Current Nomination Wait Times .

    • Eligibility for Priority Nomination & Evidence Review Services
      Who Can Benefit from Priority Nomination & Evidence Review Services?

      If you're looking to expedite your Noble World Records nomination or evidence review, our Priority Services can help. Here's who's eligible for these services:

      Eligible Individuals and Small Groups: Our Priority Nomination and Evidence Review services are designed for individuals or small groups whose main motivation for attempting a record is personal achievement.

      For Organizations: If you're representing an organization, governments or business and wish to pursue a record for promotional or branding purposes, we recommend exploring our "Noble Consultancy Services" division. They offer a wide range of products and services tailored to help you maximize the impact of your record attempt. To learn more about how we can assist you, please visit our Corporate Business Solutions pages.

      These services aim to cater to your specific needs, whether you're an individual on a personal record-breaking journey or an organization seeking to make a memorable impact.

    • Paying via Bank Transfer - Step-by-Step Guide
      International Payments:

      1. Online Nomination: Start by logging into our website and navigate to the "Online Nomination" section.

      2. Payment Options: In the "Payment Options" section, you will find various modes of payment tailored to both international and domestic applicants.

      3. PayPal: For international applicants, PayPal is one of the preferred methods, allowing you to make payments in your preferred currency.

      4. International Bank Transfer (USD): If you choose international bank transfer, you can pay in US dollars. The details for this transfer will be provided by Noble World Records upon nomination.

      5. Email Coordination: After initiating your nomination through the online form, you will coordinate payment details via email. Noble World Records will provide you with all necessary payment information.

      6. Priority Nomination: If you opt for the priority nomination service, you will receive information about the associated fees and payment options via email.

      7. Invoicing: Note that Noble World Records does not currently offer an online invoicing system. All payment coordination, including priority nomination, is done manually via email.

      Domestic Payments (India):

      1. Online Nomination: Access the "Online Nomination" section on our website.

      2. Payment Options: The "Payment Options" section provides various domestic payment methods suitable for Indian applicants.

      3. Gpay, Paytm, Phonepe: These popular digital payment platforms are available for domestic payments.

      4. Bank Transfers: You can also choose to make payments via traditional bank transfers within India.

      5. Email Communication: Once you initiate your nomination, payment details for the domestic service will be communicated via email.

      6. Priority Nomination: For priority nominations, specific details about fees and payment methods will be provided via email.

      Bank Transfer Payment: To complete the payment process, arrange a bank transfer using the bank details provided on your invoice.

      Include Reference: When making the bank transfer, make sure to include your nomination reference number as the payment reference. This is crucial to prevent any delays in processing your nomination.

      Processing: Please note that your nomination will only commence processing once the funds are received into our account and successfully matched with your nomination by our payment team.

      Important Note: Keep in mind that if you opt to pay via bank transfer, receipts are not automatically generated as they are for other payment methods.

      Attention: For all payments, whether international or domestic, it's essential to provide accurate information and follow the instructions communicated by Noble World Records via email to ensure a smooth payment process and priority nomination service.

    • How to Obtain an Invoice or Receipt
      How to Get a Receipt:

      1. After completing your nomination and payment, you can obtain a receipt.

      2. Noble World Records does not offer now an account registration system or dashboard on the website.

      3. To receive a receipt, please contact Noble World Records via email or WhatsApp to request it.

      How to Get an Invoice:

      1. Payments are typically made using PayPal,WorldPay, international bank transfer, or domestic payment options such as Gpay, Paytm, and Phonepe etc.

      2. During the nomination process, you will be guided on available payment methods.

      3. If you cannot use the recommended methods, you can request an invoice via official email or WhatsApp.

      Payment of an Invoice:

      1. Upon receiving the invoice, you will find bank details for making the payment.

      2. It's essential to include your nomination reference number as the payment reference.

      3. Proceed with the bank transfer using the provided bank details.

      4. Noble World Records will confirm the receipt of your payment via official email or WhatsApp.

      5. Your nomination status will change from "Awaiting Payment" to processing once the funds are received.

      Accessing Invoices in the Future:

      1. Noble World Records does not generate receipts for bank transfers.

      2. Invoices can be accessed for reference in the future.

      3. You can revisit your nomination page.

      4. The invoice will open in a new window, enabling you to download or print it for your records.

      Note: Communication regarding invoices, receipts, and payments will be conducted solely through email and WhatsApp, as Noble World Records does not offer an online invoicing system or a dashboard. Please ensure clear and accurate communication to facilitate the process effectively.

      photos and video footage of existing Noble World Records titles for use in your own content, whether it's for news, entertainment emails, websites, apps, products, or other purposes. To do so, you can reach out to our TV & Content team, who will guide you through the licensing process and provide you with the necessary permissions to use Noble World Records stills and video clips in your projects. This ensures that you can incorporate our content into your work while adhering to our licensing procedures.

    • SECTION-'C' Certificates/Hounor Kit

      • How You'll Get Your Certificate/Honour Kit?
        How You'll Get Your Certificate/Honour Kit?:

        1. If you have paid the record fees and adjudicator fee as instructed in the email, and provided the transfer slip for the payment made to the Noble World Records Fee (paid to ISE Cards India Limited), kindly share the payment receipt with us.
        2. The record holder or parent/guardian will be requested to provide their postal address for the courier delivery of the honour kit. The record holder must send a complete address, including their name, full address, city, state, PIN code, mobile number, and alternative mobile number to the following email address: [email protected] and also via WhatsApp at +91-7800 5500 88.
        3. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation via WhatsApp or email, and we may send you a copy of the courier slip via email or WhatsApp.

        4. Please allow 15 to 20 working days from the date of your final payment for the honour kit to be delivered.
        5. After dispatching the honour kit, the Noble World Records HQ office will share the courier slip with you via WhatsApp or Email.
        6. For a tracked delivery service, you can visit the courier company's website and track your shipment using the docket number provided.
        7. If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding your honour kit, our customer service team is available to assist you. They are accessible from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. IST, Monday through Friday.

        Please don't hesitate to contact our customer service if you require further assistance or information about your order.

      • I received a courier dispatch slip for my Honor Kit, but it hasn't arrived. What should I do?
        If your honor kit has been dispatched but hasn't arrived after 6 days, please take the following steps:

        Track your docket number and also contact the courier company.

        For tracking and resolving the delivery issue, it's best to contact with the courier company.

        You can also reach out to Noble World Records office for assistance.

      • I'm Not a Record-Holder, but I participated in an event. How can I buy a Certificate of Participation?
        To obtain a Certificate of Participation, please visit the Noble World Records contact page and send a detailed email regarding the event in which you participated.

        In your email, provide information about the Record Title, including the event's date, city, state, and country where the record-breaking event occurred. Once you've composed your complete email, click "submit."

        Additionally, to complete the purchase of the Certificate of Participation, please remit the following fees:

        1. For Indian residents: Rs. 2,000 for the Certificate of Participation plus Rs. 450 for courier charges, totaling Rs. 2,450.
        2. For worldwide residents: US$25 for the Certificate of Participation plus US$10 for postal charges, totaling US$35.

        Note : Participation Certificate is provided without frame

        You can order as many certificates as you need. You can either multiply the amounts and deposit the same, or you can contact our account officer who will provide you with a final quote based on your specific requirements.

        To obtain the bank transfer details, please follow these steps:

        1. Visit the Noble World Records Online Nomination page.
        2. Click on any category of the nomination form.
        3. Navigate to the Payment Options section.
        4. Scroll down to find several modes of payment to choose from according to your convenience.

        Share the payment transfer receipt via WhatsApp at +91-7800 5500 88 and also send it via email.

        To ensure the prompt delivery of the Certificate of Participatione, kindly provide your complete address, including your name, full address, city, state, PIN code, mobile number, and alternative mobile number, via email to [email protected] and also through WhatsApp at +91-7800 5500 88.

      • How to Order Multiple Certificates/Honour Kits for the Same Record Title
        To obtain multiple Certificate of Honour Titles, please visit the Noble World Records contact page and send a detailed email regarding your record and the event in which you achieved the record.

        In your email, provide information about the Record Title, including the event's date, city, state, and country where the record-breaking event occurred. Once you've composed your complete email, click "submit."

        Please also share a copy of the previous certificate, a photo of the record, and the Noble World Records publication link via a separate email or WhatsApp message.

        Additionally, to complete the purchase of the multiple Certificate of Honour Titles, please remit the following fees:

        1. For Indian residents: Rs. 2,000 for the Certificate of Honour Titles plus Rs. 450 for courier charges, totaling Rs. 2,450.
        2. For worldwide residents: US$25 for the Certificate of Honour Titles plus US$10 for postal charges, totaling US$35.

        Note : Certificate of Honour Titles is provided without frame

        You can order as many certificates as you need. You can either multiply the amounts and deposit the same, or you can contact our account officer who will provide you with a final quote based on your specific requirements.

        To obtain the bank transfer details, please follow these steps:

        1. Visit the Noble World Records Online Nomination page.
        2. Click on any category of the nomination form.
        3. Navigate to the Payment Options section.
        4. Scroll down to find several modes of payment to choose from according to your convenience.

        Share the payment transfer receipt via WhatsApp at +91-7800 5500 88 and also send it via email.

        To ensure the prompt delivery of the Certificate of Honour Titles, kindly provide your complete address, including your name, full address, city, state, PIN code, mobile number, and alternative mobile number, via email to [email protected] and also through WhatsApp at +91-7800 5500 88.

        If you need Honour Title Certificates for more than 100 record titles, please reach out to us at the Noble World Records Account Officer for assistance.

      SECTION-'D' Technical Issues and Troubleshooting with website etc.

      • Need Help with Technical Issues?
        If you encounter any technical problems while using the Noble World Records website, don't worry! We're here to assist you. To get your issue resolved quickly, follow these steps:

        1. Contact Us: Reach out to our technical support team by sending an email to [email protected] .

        2. Provide Information: Make sure to include the following details in your email:

        a). Your registered email address
        b). Your full name
        b). Nomination ID (if applicable)
        c). Describe the technical problem you're facing
        d). If possible, attach screenshots of the issues

        Our team will review your query and work to resolve the technical issue promptly. Your feedback is important to us, and we aim to provide you with the best possible experience on our website.

      • Found an Error in Our Book? Let Us Know!
        If you've spotted an error in one of our noble book of world records publications, we appreciate your feedback. Here's what you can do:

        1. Contact Us: Visit the Contact Us section on our website.

        2. Share Your Observation: Please describe the error you found in detail.

        3. Submit: Send your feedback.

        We take your observations seriously, and our editorial team will investigate the issue thoroughly. Our commitment is to maintain the highest standards of accuracy in our noble book of world records publications. Thank you for helping us improve!

      SECTION-'E' Updates on nominations and how to reach us

      • What's the Wait Time for My Record-Breaking Nomination?
        At Noble World Records, we're dedicated to recognizing incredible achievements. Here's what you can expect in terms of response times for your record-breaking nomination:

        High Demand: With over 5,000 nominations each year, it's like a flood of records pouring in – almost hundreds every week!

        Standard Nomination: For a regular Self-Service Nomination, please be patient, as it might take up to 2 to 3 weeks* to hear back from us.

        Documentation Review: Once we receive the evidence for your record attempt, our experts will dive in. Expect up to 3 weeks* for a thorough review to see if your record is a new star in the making.

        Need Speed? Go Priority!: If you're aiming for a faster response, consider our Priority Nomination Service. It's a premium option that you can select during submission or even upgrade to later.

        Evidence Guidance: Not sure what evidence to provide? Check out our guide to Guidelines for Record Evidence for valuable insights.

        Remember, sometimes our standard wait times might stretch when we're swamped with nominations. For the most current information, visit our Current Nomination Wait Times .

        *Please note: Our usual response times might vary when we're handling a massive wave of nominations. Always refer to our Current Nomination Wait Times for the latest updates.

      • Can I Send a Letter?
        At Noble World Records, we're all about digital efficiency, and we've gone paperless. Here's what you need to know:

        No Postal Responses: Unfortunately, we can't reply to letters or postal correspondence.

        Secure Disposal: Any postal mail we receive is securely disposed of as soon as it arrives. So, it's best to keep things digital.

        Use Correspondence Function: If you have queries about an existing nomination, please use the built-in correspondence function within your nomination. It's the quickest way to get answers.

        Check FAQs: For general questions, our FAQs are a treasure trove of information. Browse through them; you might find exactly what you need.

        Contact Us: Still can't find what you're looking for? Feel free to reach out to us via our Contact Us page.

        Remember, we're here to help, but we've ditched the snail mail for a faster, greener approach.

      • The Complete Guide to Sending Evidence by Post:
        At Noble World Records, we've streamlined the process to make it quick and efficient. Here's the deal with sending evidence:

        Digital is the Way: We can't accept physical evidence sent by post. Why? We have a ton of record attempts happening worldwide, and we're a bit short on space for storing physical stuff at our offices.

        Secure Disposal: If you do send something via post, we'll have to securely dispose of it upon arrival. Unfortunately, we can't send it back to you.

        Upload Online: The best way to share your evidence is by uploading it directly to your nomination through our website or WhatsApp. It's super easy and ensures a smoother process.

        Facing Upload Issues?: If you encounter any problems while uploading evidence, don't fret. Just drop a line to your records head/manager using the correspondence feature within your nomination. They'll guide you through it.

        So, remember, the digital route is the express lane to record-breaking success with Noble World Records!

      • Seeking an Update on My Record Nomination
        At Noble World Records, we understand your curiosity about your record-breaking journey. Here's the scoop:

        Individual Review: Each nomination is important to us, and we evaluate them one by one. However, because we receive a huge number of nominations, it might take up to 3 weeks* for us to process them. So, patience is key.

        Nomination Progress: If you've already received notification that your nomination has been accepted via email or WhatsApp, please proceed to deposit the Noble World Records and Adjudicator fees as instructed in the email.

        Urgent Inquiries: If your nomination is urgent, consider our Priority Nomination Service for a faster response.

        Delays Happen: Sometimes, due to high volumes, we experience delays. If you haven't heard from us within 3 weeks*, contact our Customer Service team with your nomination ID, registered email, and proposed record title. They'll assist you further.

        Remember, we receive a ton of nominations, and delays can happen. For the most current information on waiting times, check our Current Nomination Wait Times .

        We appreciate your passion for record-breaking!

      • How Can I Contact Noble World Records?
        Noble World Records, (Exclusive Global Commercial Partner ISE Cards India Limited), operates globally with its headquarters in Lucknow, India, and regional offices spanning Europe, America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Pacific Countries. We have a team of over 100 officially trained Noble World Records adjudicators located in 15 countries and proficient in 10 languages. These countries include all our regional offices, as well as Dubai, Russia, India, and Mauritius.

        If you want to propose a record idea, break an existing record, or access the complete guidelines and rules for a record, you must click on Online Nomincation link and then submitting an online nomination. Please note that we cannot provide record-specific information over the phone or via email.

        We kindly request that you refrain from sending nominations or record evidence by postal mail without first completing an online nomination. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to postal inquiries. However, if you have an inquiry that hasn't been addressed on our FAQ page, please submit it online.

        For questions regarding a pending nomination, please visit the website and contact page to send us a message. This feature is available only to applicants whose nominations have been successfully accepted and who have received their guidelines. Please allow up to 5 days* for a response.

        If you have something you'd like to share with the Noble World Records team, we invite you to tweet us @nwrworldrecords or visit our Facebook page.

        *Please note that our usual response times may be extended during periods of high nomination volumes. For the most current information, please refer to our Current Nomination Wait Times .

      • How can I speed up the Self-Service Nomination process?
        The standard processing time for a Self-Service Nomination is up to 2 to 3 weeks.*

        This includes a period of up to 2 to 3 weeks* for us to assess your Nomination and provide you with the guidelines for your record attempt.

        Once we receive the evidence for your record attempt, there is also a review period of up to 2 to 3 weeks* before we can confirm if your record attempt is successful.

        Priority Nomination Service Premium Charges : If you require a quicker response, we recommend using our Priority Nomination Service. This service accelerates the processing of your record nomination to just 2 to 5 working days, for a fee of US$400 (in the UK), $500 (in the US) and Rs.20,000 (in the India) for existing record titles, and $500 (in the UK), $650 (in the US) and Rs.30,000 (in the India) for new record titles. You can select this service when submitting your nomination. If you've already submitted a Standard Nomination and wish to upgrade to the Priority Nomination Service, you can do so at any time. To upgrade, visit our website and click on contact page and write an email message about 'Upgrade to Priority Nomination Service,' and follow the prompts.

        Please note that using the Priority Nomination Service does not guarantee the success of your Nomination, and we do not issue refunds for unsuccessful Nominations.

        For guidance on the evidence required for your record attempt, please visit our guide to evidence page.

        *Please be aware that our regular processing times may be extended during periods of high Nomination volumes.

        For the most current information, refer to our Current Nomination Wait Times .

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