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Non-Olympic Brand We Trust

National Brand Awards

Star Company Awards

Welcome to the Star Company Awards

The Noble World Records proudly presents the Star Company Awards, a prestigious recognition program in partnership with the International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum (INPPRF) and the World Council for Regular and Distance Education (WCRDE).

These awards celebrate outstanding companies that have demonstrated exceptional innovation, leadership, and impact in their respective industries. From groundbreaking technological advancements to exemplary corporate social responsibility initiatives, the Star Company Awards honor organizations that have consistently raised the bar for excellence and set new standards of achievement.

Join us in applauding the exemplary achievements and contributions of these esteemed companies, whose dedication to excellence and commitment to positive change have made a profound impact on a global scale. Through the Star Company Awards, we aim to highlight the transformative power of corporate leadership in shaping a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

Explore the stories of our award recipients and be inspired by their remarkable journey to success. The Star Company Awards are a testament to the spirit of innovation, integrity, and excellence that defines the world's leading companies.

Noble World Records - Awards


The National Brand Awards for "Star Company" (Award for all Star Companies) which provide a notable opportunity for private and government companies to be recognized for well-managed, high-performing industry leading initiatives via an established set of award categories. Click Here to Apply
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